Archive for July 4th, 2007


Happy 4th!!

Wednesday,July 4, 2007

Wow have I been terrible about blog commenting!! I’m sorry! No excuse other than being busy with the kids lately and then being so tired…

Happy 4th of July everyone!! And for those who don’t have this holiday, happy Wednesday πŸ™‚

My dd has a birthday tomorrow!! 7 years old. Time FLIES! I remember the year she was born. I was HUGELY pregnant with her. lol I looked kind of freakish I was soo big! Skinny arms and legs with a gigantic belly…my neighbor across the street had asked me if I was carrying twins! Thank goodness it was only 1!!

I was having a planned c-section. I had already had 1 section after a 40 somethin’ hr. long labor and had wanted to try having dd the “normal” way but my OB after numerous late sonograms to check her size said I’d probably end up laying there only to have another c-section. She was BIG, well she was supposed to be anyway and I can say at 8lbs.7oz. she was no light weight! lol Not to mention she had a really big head πŸ˜†

I almost didn’t make it to the planned date with her! Had been having contractions for several days, REAL ones. I get to the hospital and the nurse hooks me up to the monitors etc…and says, “Did you know you’re having contractions?”!! Duh!! Really?? lol

The thing I remember the most about her birth is seeing her start to be pulled out. Before her body was out of mine she was crying and she didn’t stop until she was finally handed over to me to nurse! lol All the nurses and the Dr. were cracking up! Every 1st photo we have of dd shows her with her mouth wide open!! Just like now! πŸ˜‰

I got lucky going in to have her. They were FILLED up! They told me just about every woman in the greater Cinci area had gone into labor over 4th of July! I wasn’t going to get my private room and I was TICKED!! lol~I know, I know!! I’m a snob!! I just didn’t want to share a room and germs etc…Got lucky and someone got to go on home leaving me a private room πŸ™‚

So my little dd was born. Almost a 4th of July baby in the millennium year of 2000 πŸ˜€ This particular birthday is perfect for dd!! She’s every bit as loud and sparkly as the biggest fireworks!!! Her birth date suits her personality πŸ™‚

Don’t anyone go into shock but…………. I made a page!!! lol!!

I’m very patriotic. I’m very in tune to what sacrifices our military men and women are making for us to be able to be in the greatest country on earth. To be free. To be safe. To have good lives and have the opportunity to become anything we can dream of becoming.

I have some friends who have sons in Iraq and Afghanistan. Risking their lives for my children to be able to sleep in peace.

I was listening to “American Soldier” by Toby Keith and opened up PS and started playing with the few scanned photos I have of my dad when he was serving with the Marines in Korea in the early 1950’s. This is what came out…


I really would like to send it to him but I’m unsure. He’s soo…..I don’t know even what he is! He’s never really liked my graphics work. Says it’s not serious enough. I have another page of him with the kids that IS serious enough and is done in the “realistic paper” style. He looked at it and complained about the photo of him I used…sigh. Why at almost 40 years old do I still crave his approval?? I don’t know. Guess it’s that “always a kid” thing. No matter how old you become your parent always manages to send you right back to 9 years old! lolNow

Now maybe I’ll open up PS again. 2 days in a row?? OMGosh! lol Here’s a few tunes/videos to remind us not to forget our service men and women. What a great country America is!!

Trace Adkins~~The National Anthom

Toby Keith~~American Soldier

Toby Keith~~Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue, the angry American song

A True American Hero video

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