Archive for June, 2007


My bio…DSM:)

Friday,June 29, 2007

lol!  Seems like forever now that I was asked to be on the creative board for DSM!  Seemed like even though I’ve done a few assignments I’d never see my pages in the mag.  They are so far ahead.  You know how it is with mags.  You submit something for Dec. in June 🙂  Just finished a little one, look for it in Dec. issue!

Well I got my subscribers copy of the Aug/Sept. issue and there I was!  Me and the kids and even dh.  So if you get the mag. check out my bio!!  Very neat stuff for me to see that after all this time!  LOL!  Janna you got your issue before I got mine!  btw~CONGRATS Janna!!!  She had at least 5 maybe 6 pages in this issue!!!  How cool is that??!!  They are all gorgeous Janna!!

Here’s a couple corrections to my “toolbox” from the article.

I use a Panasonic Lumix camera.  A Epson 1280 wide format printer, PhotoshopCS (I did used to use PSP but haven’t in a long time~I find it a difficult program).  I do have a Wacom tablet.  I really had to laugh too at MY mistake in the article.  Just like a man I usually get my anniversary wrong~not the date but the year!  I’m always forgetting just how long we’ve been married until this year, our 15th.  When I wrote my bio for DSM I told them I’d been married 13years.  It should’ve been 14!  OOPS!!  oh well!

I have a purse in there too.  Back in the section about the memory purses, mine is the “Peace” one.  I noticed the coloring wasn’t what it should’ve been.  hmmm…guess something got lost in the transfer?  Not sure there.  This was my very 1st “hybrid” or “fusion” project and it was fun but HARD!  lol   Here’s another photo of it.  1st the front…


Here’s the side~these purses are soo cool!  You can decorate ALL sides of them 🙂purse-004-copy.jpg

Now here’s my favorite side~the back!


I did this purse using papers from Maya of ScrapbookGraphics Oh Happy Day kit~recolored and brushes from 1lovesdevine~DeviantArt.

If you’d like to take a look at the purses, there are a few different styles, you can see them at Pursue Your Art.

Now I’m going to show something that accidently got lost!  The company changed FTP servers and it seems that some files kind of disappeared!  ACK!  One was for my recipe ATC I did.  It was supposed to appear in print but I didn’t get it resubmitted in time so then it was to go on the web site but I haven’t run across it yet…sooo here it is 🙂

front_atc-recipe-card.jpg here’s the back…back_atc-recipe-card.jpg

LOVE stuffed green peppers around here!  I planted some bell peppers in my garden and have been trying to keep them watered but I’m just not sure I’ll get many to eat on out of it.

When this issue came out I remembered how fun it is to see your stuff in print!  I think I need to get busy.  Actually SCRAP again!  lol and maybe submit a little more!  I haven’t submitted anything in a long time, time to dust off the ol’ “submitted for pub” folder and get at it!

Nothing much else happening around here.  Still haven’t heard back from my old friend.  sigh..oh well.  Maybe I will eventually.

Just a week left till 4th of July and dd’s 7th birthday!  Can’t believe she’s going to be 7!!

Oh and we’re still planning the yard sale for tomorrow!  Wish me luck and lots and lots of customers!!!  lol!!

Have a great weekend everyone!!  TGIF!! 🙂


Maybe next time?

Monday,June 25, 2007

Today is SUPPOSED to be the start of my little break…sigh.  Was supposed to be the 1st day of vacation bible school for the kids.  They didn’t go.

I had them prepared.  Well really only the baby 🙂  The other 2 didn’t need much prep.  They’re used to going to school etc…but Joe?  He’s not.  He’s not in pre-school yet.  Has really never even been babysat.  Sad I know.  But that’s the way it is.

I have to say when we got up we did start getting ready and then I started thinking.  That’s a dangerous thing for me to do sometimes!  I remembered what it was like to go and then I got kind of iffy about sending them, after all I want them to have FUN!

When I was a kid we all went to vacation bible school.  All of us were in church all the time, in Sunday school together etc…  We all knew each other.  That’s the way I knew it would be now.  My kids haven’t gone to Sunday school (yes I do feel guilt about that) and they don’t know the other kids.  For Joe it really wouldn’t have mattered much.  After all he’s only 4.  But the other 2?  Yep.  It would’ve been fairly obvious.  I felt torn.  Wanting them to go but not wanting them to feel the separation that I knew would be going on to some extent.

I tried to talk to dh about it but he said since I arranged everything I should do what I thought.  Sigh…..  I asked the kids.  My oldest didn’t want to go.  I knew that from the get go.  DD wanted to/didn’t want to.  She didn’t know!  lol  Joe didn’t know either.  Well anyhow.  They didn’t go.  I chickened out I guess.  ugh…would’ve been so much easier to go ahead with it if my 2 oldest at least would’ve been able to be in the same class, then at least they would’ve had each other when all the kids that were already friends ignored them.  Oh well…maybe next time.

Last week I got a bunch of their old clothes, mostly dd’s together.  We have a “consignment” shop around here that pays cash right away for clothes, toys, maternity etc… without you having to “consign”.  Well dh and I are kind of in a financial pickle for a few weeks so I thought I could easily get rid of some of the overflowing clothes and have a yard sale with the rest of the stuff.  Kind of as a “help” for the next couple of weeks.   I spent ALL DAY getting this stuff ready!  Washed some, made sure all the 2 or 3 piece outfits were together, etc…Finally got it all ready and took them up there.

Now I know that some of these consignment shops are picky.  This one is to a extent.  While they were looking at my stuff I looked around and figured I had a huge chance of getting rid of almost ALL of the 80 or so items I’d brought!  I was WRONG 😦  It was sooo strange!  I had heard all these stories about these places wanting name brand?  Not in this case!  At least not much!  They took only a handful of stuff and almost NONE of it was name brand!  They took stuff that my dad had bought from yard sales and given to us, some of it was “butt ugly” and a few were very faded.  These were things I wasn’t even going to take but decided “what the heck” and took them anyway!  lol 😆  I had to laugh because 1 little pair of capri pants I remembered buying at Kohls on clearance for 1.50$!!  I had a crib set in there, it was Carter’s brand, comforter, sheets and crib ruffle, yellow gingham from JC Penny’s.  It looked brand new!  They didn’t want it.  When I asked why the lady said it was “too plain” and that most people liked the character sets for crib bedding.  HUH??  Well I guess I was pleased with the $27.50 I got for what they took.  I KNOW when I have the yard sale this week I’ll probably end up selling more than that for less cash.

Got my MySpace profile looking better!  It’s clean.  Easy to read.  I’ve still got some things I’d like to do to it though before I try and get in touch with my nephew through it.  Was considering putting this blog link on it…hmmm….IF I do might have to go back and edit a few things for privacy sake.  Anyway Janna asked for how to’s!  Here it is!  5ThirtyOne.  He’s got a few div overlays for MySpace that are just AWESOME!  The one I took was the minimal lime green and he’s got the same one in pink or orange.  Of course if you spend some time looking you can figure out how to change the coloring to just about anything you’d like.  He’s also got a minimal dark one that looks great too!  I did my own little graphic for a “header” and just left the rest pretty much as he had it.  Least for now.  I’d like to put up a slide/show or music widget but I haven’t tried playing with that stuff yet.  Here’s my profile on MySpace if anyone would like to see or if you use MySpace I could always use a few more friends!  Bad thing about this layout for it is that I think I have to manually go in and add my friends to my front page.  lol!  Wonder what people do that have TONS of friends and want to use the “white” layout??  I’ve seen a few profiles using this layout but they’ve got their friends showing on the front profile page.  I’m not nearly adept enough at this stuff to know how they did it.  If I get the notion I might try to find out!  I’d rather have my friends on the front and be added by MySpace and not manually by me!  lol  Hope this helps whoever needs it 🙂

Now off to figure out what the cost will be if I advertise a yard sale in the paper.  hmm…because of the “pickle” I’m not sure I HAVE enough to advertise in the paper!  ugh…story of my life!


Past Blast!

Friday,June 22, 2007

ok. I had to blog about this! lol I’ve been a member of for several years. Not a paid member but had my name & school in there. So I’ve looked at the bios a few times from people I graduated with. Wondered about them. Wished a few times I could contact them but I sure didn’t want to pay Classmates for the privilege to do so!

Well the other day I open my e-mail to see that someone tried to contact me through Classmates! It was my ol’ buddy Tom 🙂 He had wrote me a e-mail through the site. Problem was I couldn’t read it! Had to pay for it. NOT! Luv ya Tom but NO WAY!! I decided to look on MySpace and see if he had a profile. Found a couple names that matched and 1 profile that the age matched too but the person didn’t have a photo of themselves on there AND they were in a different state. I went ahead and sent him a e-mail through MySpace and it turns out it was my Tom!! Yeah!!

I e-mailed him a long rambling letter yesterday. VERY condensed version of my life since high school. Sent him links to this blog and some of my galleries online. Haven’t heard back yet….hmm…. LOL!! Hope I didn’t scare him off!! 😆

Yep me and Tom were good friends. Now before I go into detail, Tom if you’re reading excuse my memory and correct me if I’m wrong!! He was new to the area. Came to KY. from NY. How or why on earth they moved from NY to here I forget. Anyway we drove around these ol’ country roads after school, me dropping lit cigarettes on him 😆 cranking up the tunes, talking.. Spent our time in Spanish class goofing off! lol I can still picture Tom’s sly grin. Unfortunately my Dad was a jerk about Tom. Poor guy!! He showed up at my house one night asking if I could go take a ride with him. Of course my dad said NO. Tom was a cutie for sure. Very dark, dark hair, kind of olive complexion and BIG, beautiful dark eyes, tall and well…just handsome 🙂 Dad wouldn’t let me ride anywhere with him because he was just a jerk at the time. My dad that is. Very judgmental. Tom was from NY after all! Not to mention he had the gall to actually come to the house in the evening to ask me. Sigh. The things I had to put up with! No wonder I left home at 17!

I remember going to Tom’s house when I was supposed to be going to a girl friend’s church party instead. 🙂 His parents and brothers were there. They made sure I got home just fine. Oh those were the days!! You know I’m leaving out lots of details!! LOL!

I’m not sure why Tom and I were never more than friends back then. If I remember correctly I wouldn’t have objected AT ALL to being asked out like a girl friend 🙂 Maybe my Dad did that one in?? I don’t know. Yes this is a true confession!! lol Sigh…………………………………

Anyway now that it’s 20 years later we’re both married both of us with 3 little kids. From the little bit I”ve read about him sounds like he turned out just fine despite being from NY 😉

Hope to hear from him soon and Tom if you’re reading…leave me a note will ya!! Hurray for MySpace! Guess I”ll stick a “pimp my space” layout up on there now 🙂

Oh and hey Tom!! If you’re reading of course I was listening to the Chili Peppers while I wrote this! Here’s a song for ya 😉

Tell Me Baby**

edited to say~I should have said this before but…dh knows all about my friend “finding” me.  He’s a good guy my dh.  He’s fine with me talking to him 🙂


will it rain??

Tuesday,June 19, 2007

We’re supposed to be getting some rain today. I can only hope! We’ve been having drought conditions. We’re almost 7″ under what we should be for this time of year for rain…ugh. Makes for some brown yards and wilted, dried up flowers. I’ve been watering my garden every other day, giving it a good 1/2hr. soaking. Hopefully I’ll get some “maters” out of it and it’d be nice to have some green peppers! Not only is there NO RAIN but it’s HOT….in the mid. 90’s. YUCK!!! I have to say I’m more than glad to stay inside today, now if I can just keep the kiddos in line!

Had my camera out the other day! I’ve been soo bad about taking pictures! Don’t know why really, I used to be a photo hound but anymore I just don’t think to get my camera out…I’d like to scrap some though so I made sure I had it out and ready to go 🙂

Here’s some cute kitten pictures I got! sigh…those towels they’re piled on were right inside my patio door. That’s what happens when the kids swim in their pool! Towels everywhere! ugh…ignore the shoe too, my oldest has a bad habit of just throwing them off when he comes in.




LOL! Aren’t they cute? Little stinkers 🙂 I’m glad we got the 2 of them they love to play and sleep and do everything together! Bad thing is the MESS…sigh. Guess I have to get some different litter or something. I scoop more poop than you’d ever believe! These little guys STINK. The mess they make tracking litter all over is unbelievable too! Course I have their litter boxes out in the house instead of in the bathroom downstairs like I used to for my other cats. They were soo small when we got them they were having kind of a hard time with the litter boxes, I had to keep them out for easy, peasy access 😉 Now that their bigger I’m getting those boxes hid from plain sight at least! Of course we’ll probably still smell the aroma….ugh.

I know I said in my other post how much I like ScrapInStyle TV. sub_sislogo2.gif
but I’ve got to say it again! I LOVE that place! No I haven’t become too active there yet but I plan on it! If anyone decides to register and get involved take a look at my profile and add me! I’d love to keep track of everyone’s pages!! I have uploaded 1 page but I kind of wanted a “fresh start” so to speak so I’m going to do some more pages before I get too involved. I have been leaving some comments in the galleries though and posted to the introduction thread! Karen did a really good review of the site on her blog! She’s looked it over from top to bottom and has lots of info. I think my favorite thing about that site is that it’s both paper and digi, mostly active with paper scrapbookers. I had a ton of paper pages from 2-peas in my favs. and really like seeing what they do so this is a good thing for me 🙂 I think being digi we can scraplift just about any paper layout or at least get inspiration from them and ad our own “digi spin” on things.

Well off to check out the photos I just uploaded and maybe just MAYBE I’ll actually scrap today! I do have a article due for DSM by tomorrow that I haven’t even started. Sigh…guess I’m waiting for the pressure to really hit before I get that thing written! Wish me luck!


Thank You:)

Sunday,June 17, 2007

Well the voteing’s over and the community has picked.   Congratulations Sprellen, Laura, and Angie!!  They all had just WONDERFUL pages for the contest and they’re all very active in the community!!  Very well deserving of the win 🙂

Just wanted to thank everyone again who might have cast a vote for me during the contest!!  It meant and still means a lot to me 🙂  Hope everyone had a chance or took the opportunity to look at all those great charities too!!  Maybe someday I can do something to pay it forward to mine.  I’ll figure it out.

I won’t lie and say I wasn’t disappointed a little.  I am.  That’s OK, I’ll live.  There has to be winners and losers in everything.  Some day I’ll have my turn maybe 🙂   I know I said I didn’t need the affirmation of my peers, that it’s nice but not everything??  Welllll….I still feel that way.  It’s nice.  It’s truly not everything!!  But….well…guess it’s a little nicer than I originally stated!!  lol 😆   Think that’s where the disappointment comes in, knowing that in the eyes of my peers I don’t quite have it.  I won’t give up creating or posting though that’s for sure!!

I’m very happy for the winners, they must be sooo thrilled!!!  I still hold to my view that we should “choose not a life of imitation” ~quote from “Can’t Stop” the Red Hot Chili Peppers 🙂  I still like my pages for me and for my family!  That’s part of what makes/made me Queen of my Own Domain!!  I’m sticking true to me always!!

Hope everyone does something special for the Father’s in their lives today!!  Dh has already had a pretty good Father’s Day filled with homemade cards, breakfast in bed and some cool gifts the kids made in school and have been saving 🙂  They are soo cute!!  I felt kind of bad cause there wasn’t the funds to buy him a gift….I did get some gifts bought for me on Mother’s day.  sigh.  He assured us it’s OK though and we can catch up to that another time, he’s a great daddy and I’m so glad I chose him to be daddy of my children 🙂

Have a good one!!  Thanks again everyone!!  Now thanks to the votes and this awesome contest I do get to do a Shutterfly book!  It’s something I’ve wanted to do for a long, long time and finally I can!!


last chance

Friday,June 15, 2007

yep! It’s the last chance day to vote for QOTC. lol 😆 I had to throw that in there didn’t I?? Well. I finally voted. Got it in and I’ve got to say that goodie bag you get for voting is AWESOME!! Well worth way over 2$ that’s for sure!

So now all I can do is hope I win something 🙂 We sure could use this.

While I’m thinking about it I found a “new to me” scrap site, gallery, etc…that is really, really neat! Seems that a lot of people have left 2-peas or at least quit posting as much to go over to this site 🙂 It’s Scrap in Style TV. I lurked for a couple of days, checking out the galleries and the message boards. Even watched a little interview with Kristina Contes. Cool stuff! Looks like you have to register and be logged in to view the videos…well it’s worth it really! I love the way they’ve got stuff set up 🙂 Everyone is a “sister”. The # of posts, comments etc…you make determines what your “sister” title says. Like “baby sister”, “little sister” and so on. For those of us into digi there is a digi gallery but unlike the veggie site, when you post a layout to the digi gallery it automatically goes into the full gallery so everyone can see! No more posting to 2 different galleries, or just the digi one. Now everyone is together. No more “segregation”!! Also if you click on a layout and like it you can add that scrapper to your “favorite” scrapper list in your profile. They automatically get a PM telling them that you think they are a special person and are now in your fav. list:) lol!! I found this out after posting my 1st page there~good ol’ Amy Martin added me as a fav. scrapper!! Totally made my day!! A scrapper’s avatar is on everything they post, all you have to do is click on their avi and it takes you to their profile page with info about them, their layouts, website/blog links and their list of fav. scrappers!! I LOVE that about this place 🙂 It’s so much easier to get to know and meet new people. The atmosphere is great as well, very open and welcoming! I’d say to anyone that wants a very friendly and very diverse community to go check it out! I know I’ll be spending lots more time over there!

Guess I’d better get running! Now it’s off to father’s day shop with the kids for dh. Sigh…HATE the crowds! Love the father!

Thanks once again for voting/looking and keep your fingers crossed for me!!


;) winky smilie

Wednesday,June 13, 2007

what a title huh?? Guess that’s just my way of not knowing what kind of title to put on there!

It’s been a little hard to find time or really not time I guess but a routine now that the kids are home for the summer. We’ve been spending lots of time doing things…the park, today will be the library. The BEST part is that they’ll be going to vacation bible school the 25th-29th! All 3 of them! That gives me from 9am till noon by myself! I seriously won’t know what to do! Do I use my time wisely, do computer work, catch up on blogs, e-mails, phone calls, laundry OR do I lay on the couch. Watch a show or 2 that isn’t animated and in techni-color?? 😆 I have NO CLUE!

All these years, 9 now, I’ve never been totally alone. I’ve always had a baby at home. It’s only for 3hrs. a day for just 1 week but I’m sure at 1st I’ll find the quiet strange. I’ll probably feel really funny at 1st, like something/someone is missing. I kind of feel like that now on the rare occasion that dh takes all 3 somewhere and leaves me here alone.

Now don’t get me wrong. I LOVE my kids and am glad to have them home and happy to do stuff with them however it will be great to have just a little time to myself for a change! Time where I’m actually awake!! They wear me out! I’m usually too tired to do anything much when they’re in bed at night! Guess I’m a little old. lol

I just realized I didn’t show any pictures of the new additions to our family!! Wish I’d have taken pictures right after we got them~they’ve grown a TON since then!!

Introducing Spring and Summer 🙂


Aren’t they CUTE??  They sure are stinkers though!  sigh.  1st they were a little sick and needed meds., then they both at separate times had litter box problems which weren’t helped when I got new litter.  ugh.  Now they seem to be OK (knocking on wood here)!  lol  They are both little love bugs and they LOVE to play!  Jack the bull in a china shop black lab, hasn’t met them in person yet, he’d want to play and I’m afraid he’d accidently hurt them.  He’d think nothing about picking them up by their necks and happily carrying them away to go play.  He’s seen them through the patio door and seems to love what he sees, I can’t say the same about the kittens though!

I hope everyone realizes what week it is!!  I won’t let anyone forget!!!  LOL 🙂  This is the last week you can vote in the QOTC contest!  sigh…I really have to get in there and vote this week!  I’ve missed out on a few of the grab bags and I’m sorry. 😦  I know they all had a ton of really good stuff!

I’ve said it before and I’ll keep saying it!  THANK YOU to everyone who has taken the time to go and check out these pages and charities.  All of them are just awesome and ALL of them are for very good causes.  You can check out my finalist entry and my charity in my previous blog post hereBecky (webchyck) has been my special cheerleader in this, my envoy assigned to urge me along and she has been WONDERFUL!!  Look at this little avi. she made for me!!  I think it looks quite a bit like me 🙂

blessthischick-162x180.jpg She’s even wearing a crown 😉  Thanks Becky!!  Thanks everyone!  Oh and I really, really LOVE that people are stopping to check out the webshots album I found from the Christian Appalachian Project volunteer!  Soo cool!  I’ve GOT to e-mail him and let him know we’re looking 🙂  I tried to once before but wasn’t sure if it went through.  I’ve kind of kept track of his views to his album and it’s up quite a bit!  Thank you!!  I knew everyone would love to see some of the work the Christian Appalachian Project does and his albums are a great example of some of the help they provide.  Can’t wait till I can go volunteer with them 🙂

Hope everyone has a great day!  Now off to feed kids and head to the library.


about time

Friday,June 8, 2007

Finally! I’m finished with QOTC!! Unless I win I guess 😉 Now 1st things 1st though! I’ve been tagged, twice that I can remember. It’s been hard to get to because of working on my QOTC page AND the kiddos being home for the summer and, etc…, etc…………………… They’ve only been home for 1 full week but for some reason it feels much, much longer than that!! lol 😆

Both Janna and Petra tagged me with the same thing 🙂 Here goes!

List 5 favorite things and then tag 5 people

(Family is a given)

1) lol! like Janna my #1 fav. thing would be when my kids aren’t fighting!!!

2) My computer , my camera, & my broadband (again just like Janna!!)
3) the strong, strong smell of honeysuckle in the evening out in my backyard
4) Putting my youngest to bed. He still wants me to hold him, snuggle with him and listen to our lullaby tape, this has been our routine since he was born and I’m sooo grateful it’s lasted 4yrs. now!

5) hiking down in the mountains, alone or with just dh & kids…nothing like the sound of the wooded silence:)

Thanks guys!! Sorry it took me so long. hmmm….now WHO am I going to tag? How about EVERYONE?

Now for my QOTC page. Little background here 1st! Here is the what the last challenge was..

Challenge -Queen of ( fill in the blank )

Besides being the queen of scrapping or the Queen of the Crop even, how are you a queen in your own life?

Self-doubt is something that is common amongst us all. As human beings we are conditioned to critical thinking and for most of us the inner critic has a great deal of air
time in the self-talk department. Let this layout be an opportunity to make a positive affirmation about yourself and claim your throne.

So when I 1st read that I thought what on EARTH was I going to do for it? Queen of procrastination maybe?? Maybe queen of slllooowww scrapping and blogging and especially e-mailing?? lol 😆

I got to thinking about myself. All my life I’ve been a perfectionist. Very critical of myself, very self-concious. Even as a kid I remember drawing something and wadding it up because it wasn’t “good” enough.

Looking in the mirror hasn’t been fun either. I was never pretty enough, thin enough, never something enough! Curly hair? yuck. Straight hair? yuck. Size 7? Not small enough. Size 12? Too fat.

What is all that?? RIDICULOUS!! That’s what it is! I realized that there will never be perfection. Can’t be! It wouldn’t be nearly as fun if there was 😉 I AM a beautiful woman the way I am. When I look in the mirror instead of seeing flaws I’ve realized I’m not that bad after all! I’m 38 yrs. old, the years are starting to show, the gray is coming in and that’s OK. I’ve earned it.

My body isn’t the definition of perfect, maybe not the definition of beauty either. I’ve carried, given birth to and nursed 3 babies! My poor body wasn’t quite cut out for birth as I had to have all 3 by c-section leaving scars and muscles that won’t ever go back. That’s OK 🙂 I can’t think of a better reason to have a few rolls here and there, a few stretch marks and scars…I’ll always bear the marks of motherhood.

Doubt has been a big part of me too. Who doesn’t struggle with it sometimes? Being a perfectionist makes you even more doubtful. Why on earth should I ever doubt my art? I create it because I love it 🙂 I’m happy with it! I found that while it’s nice to have afformation from my peers it’s not neccessary where once it felt like it was. I don’t need zillions of comments. I’m truly happy with my art comments or no 🙂

So it’s come round for me. I feel GREAT! I feel empowered!! Honestly it sounds kind of weird maybe BUT I am loving myself! Shouldn’t we all?? 🙂

Not only did I have fun, find myself and my style again but I really, really have just become empowered!! Might sound really hokey but I feel as if I’m free!!!

Now if you want to vote for me you can click right on the page or here! I’d still love to win of course but honestly I’ll be fine if I don’t 🙂 While you’re at it take a look at the charities the women who competed in this contest are playing for!! VERY good organizations there! Mine is the Christian Appalachian Project. I just can’t say enough about them! I’ve put the link to this up here before but I’m going to do it again. I found a Webshots album of photos taken by a volunteer on a job for the Christian Appalachian Project…LOVE looking at them. It transports me instantly to my grandparent’s home and wonderful memories! The man that did this album also has other photos from other jobs the CAP did. Someday when my kids don’t need me at home 24/7 I want to volunteer! I think something like this is right up my alley~not to mention literally in my own backyard! I tried to e-mail this man through WebShots awhile back and I’m not sure it went through to him. I’d love them to know that I’m trying to pay it forward 🙂

Ok. I got good and deep and a little mushy here so on that note I’m going to go and get some lunch for the munchkins! Again thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!! To every single person that votes or even just takes time out to look at the pages…a huge, heartfelt thanks 🙂

Have a great weekend!


top 10

Monday,June 4, 2007

A HUGE thank you to everyone in the digi community who voted for me in the QOTC contest!!! I made it into the final 10 🙂 WOOT!! I can’t believe it honestly! I was happy with my pages but you know how it is…don’t really know how others might view what you’ve made or what you consider art. Not to mention there were sooo many beautiful pages entered!!

Here are the pages I’ve done from week 1 through week 4. The challenges were awesome and some honestly made me think!







and week #4~week 4 I am also going to link back to Karen of Scraps of Mind 🙂 She’s already linked this page I did from a prior blog post to be part of her AAM blog challenge! Really fun!! I’m “meeting” so many new scrappers, both paper and digi!! Really neat to see and read things about so many different people! Kudos for that Karen!


Whew!! lol! One thing this contest did was make me scrap! I’ve done more pages in 1 month than I think I’ve done in forever!

I’ve got to say I read a blog entry, I’m not going to link it or tell who it was though a lot of people probably read it already and will know who I’m talking about. Anyway this person had entered the contest. She did not get to the finals. She said some nice things about the finalists but then in the same post went on to say this all boiled down to popularity and who had the most friends! I beg to differ!! She also went on to say who she would be voting for and that it was someone who came to her blog and commented nicely about one of her entries! lol! I went to her blog and commented nicely on one of her entries but it wasn’t me she was voting for!! 😆

I’ll be honest and say I thought when I 1st heard about the contest that I thought that popularity might play a big part of things. After all friends stick together and they should!! That’s OK and expected! However since I’ve been in the contest I don’t think that played a gigantic role in who the people are that are in the finals! For example I got some PM’s from people telling me they voted for me that I didn’t even know! Well I knew of them but didn’t “know” them~if ykwim? That was VERY nice 🙂 Proves that people weren’t just voting only for their personal friends in this but for what they liked! I’m fortunate that people in the community like my work! We are all different and have different tastes so I know my pages don’t appeal to everyone but I’m happy they appealed to enough to get me in the top 10! I hope if nothing else my charity gets some looks and possibly some donations through this! It’s very important to me that I feel like I’m paying forward the help my family received through some good hearted, caring people! Just to remind everyone my charity is the Christian Appalachian Project. I believe that charity should start at home. There are soo many people in our own country that need, want, and deserve some help and resources. It’s sad to see anyone suffer and it hits close to home when it’s in your own backyard!

Before I forget I will get to the blog tags people have left me! I will on the next post! I promise! I’ve got a couple to do 🙂 Thanks for the MySpace info Janna btw! Sigh…I’m having the worst time trying to do things the way I want for that silly site!! I’ll add you as soon as I can figure stuff out girl 😉 I’m just not html/css /myspace savvy at all!

In the meantime have a great start of the week everyone and again THANK YOU, thank you, thank you!!! It really means a lot to me and humbles me more than any of you could know 🙂




Friday,June 1, 2007

Another guy body part header?? lol 😆 I couldn’t resist. Guess I really need to change my whole blog template one of these days to get some different colors in here but for now? This will do.

WOW! KirstyB asked when the QOTC participants find out if they made it to the next round. I had to look it up. True to form I had forgotten. Well….we find out tomorrow!!! I didn’t realize that time had come!! The pages are supposed to stay up for voting through today so if you haven’t already (myself included) get over and vote before this evening!! Don’t know when they’ll be taken down so better sooner than later if you want a vote in! They could be gone at any time now! If you’d like you can see my page in my previous post and vote for it here.

Just one more bit of news before I have to go feed lunch to the masses 😉

VERY proud mommy moment here!! Yesterday was the last day of school. My oldest ds was nominated for and won……MOST CREATIVE for the 3rd. grade 😀 I’m really, really proud of that!! I like to think he got it from me!

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