
Has it been this long??

Thursday,July 19, 2007

I guess it HAS been this long! Geeze!! Well I do have some excuses. lol

1st of all I’m just sort of disgusted. Disgusted because I need a part time job and can’t seem to find one! I’ve been told time and time again I’m “over qualified”. Sigh…what do these people expect for a part time worker?? Of course some of us will have a little more experience than your average high school kid!

I did get a call from Sears. Sigh. I missed the call and didn’t call back after I heard the full description. It was to walk around Sears for 4 hrs. trying to talk people into signing up to let Sears come to their house for a demo of windows or whatever…I knew it was something a little like that when I called but then when the guy fully explained it?? I thought….um…..NO! lol I honestly hate it when people bug me when I’m in a mall or somewhere trying to shop! If I’m interested I’ll come to you and ask for a appt.!

I did apply for UPS and a few other places. Guess it’s a waiting game now. What happened to the days when if you needed a little job. Part time. Maybe in a gas station, convience store or restaraunt you could just go, fill out the app., talk to the manager and walk out with a job to start the next day?? sigh…guess those were “the good ol’ days”.  It’s really annoying to me too that I am employed but not able to work there right now…guess a little visit to USAJOBS.gov is in order, maybe I can manage a different job/dept. where I work??  hmmm…will take a lot of work to make THAT one happen!
I thought briefly about trying to design a little. Maybe open another blog and try selling some things. LOL!!! That’s about how it went!! I am NO designer unless I’m making something specific for my own pages it seems. Not to mention at the pace I create I’d net about 1/2 cent per hour total!! NOT going to pay the cable or phone bill that way!  Honestly!  You designers out there should ALL raise your prices!!  You’re getting reamed!!  Ya know that don’t ya??  and I say this in the most loving sense!  I want to see you all do well but at the price you sell verses the TIME it takes to design???  just some food for thought!

I did discover something though. Something I’ve known for a long time but did little to change. I’ve spent WAY, WAY too much time on this computer!! No I’m not the most active in the galleries or on blogs anymore but I spent lots and lots of useless time online anyway. Browsing. Reading. Lurking around in the shadows. I read this article. If anyone is too busy to read it basically it’s about a couple that were addicted to internet video games. Addicted to the point that they almost killed their 2 toddlers by not feeding them, letting the youngest baby’s hair be matted to head with cat urine, and the oldest lose soo much muscle tone from not using his legs that he had trouble walking. It’s one of the more disgusting things I’ve ever read!!

Now that article had me thinking. Of course I’ve never neglected my kids anywhere even remotely close to that!! Not even imaginable in my opinion!! I do feel that I have chose the computer over them at times though. I should be reading more stories, I should be just sitting on the couch to watch cartoons with them if nothing else. I’m in the same room with them. I talk to them, help them with their little games or crafts but….I’m usually on the computer. It didn’t used to be this way. I used to do more. Used to play, go for more walks, even just lay on the couch. Slowly but surely I got addicted to all this starting with digi scrapping and then going away from the scrapping and into just…being online period! Now all this might be a little different if I had a JOB working from home or something where I HAD to be online but I don’t!! I feel sorry for people that do because even though it’s their work just as if they were gone to the office, I’m sure, I KNOW that guilt tends to eat them up too. Especially with the kids at home in the summer.

Well now we’re going to go about things a little different. I’m almost out of time. It’s not long till school starts back up, it’s not long till my youngest will be gone to school too. I’ll still be online. I’ll still be trying to do my digi scrapping but there’s a limit now. I’ll be online in the mornings but when lunch time comes forget it!! For the rest of the day NO COMPUTER!! lol Even after they go to bed unless I have something I really have to get done or want to get done! I’ve realized I need my alone, downtime, sleep time too 😉 This time only comes once in a life time. Soon, too soon, it’s over. They’re gone and don’t want/need you as much anymore. I’ve GOT to have more memories with them than this…

Ok. now that I’ve been kind of a downer/guilt producer!! lol On to something really, really cool!!

My good friend Zee has given me the honor of being “Rockin’ Girl Blogger”!!!


LOL!!  Lord knows I’m always talking about listing to some rockin’ tunes!  Especially when I scrap, tends to give me the most inspiration!  Well part of this is to pick 5 more “rockin'” girl bloggers!!  Here goes!  Hope none of them have been picked already 🙂

Audrey aka Alitfin!!   She’s a KILLER photographer!!  Her subject matter is rockin’ too!  Not only does she highlight the family in a gorgeous way but she takes kick a$$ sports photos and actually PLAYS the sports!!  lol  Her dogs and her dh are way rockin’ as well as her layouts!!  😀

Carla aka Cardee!!  She’s multi talented this one!!  She’s got rockin’ handbags she makes!!  I’d seriously love to have one!!  hint~hint!! lol  She’s also a killer photographer with the most gorgeous, talented family!  She’s sooo incredibly sweet too…I’m so glad we met through digi scrappin’!!

Carrie Stephens!!  She’s one ROCKIN’ designer!!  She’s also one of the most sweet people I’ve ever met!  She’s generous to a fault too 🙂  hehe…sorry Carrie but I also HAVE to mention how hot her rockin’ husband is!!!

I have many, many more ROCKIN’ girl bloggers that I could/should tag but I’m keepin’ true to my intent here!  Going to do a few past due e-mails.  Maybe finally upload some pages to my poor, sad, neglected ScrapbookGraphics CT member gallery, thanks Becky for fixing my sign-in btw 🙂 OMG>…I sure HAVE neglected my CT gallery!!!  I didn’t realize just how long it’s been, I should be fired!!!  But PLEASE don’t fire me Maya!!  lol  Just goes to show ya how fast time really does go by…


  1. Hey Martha… good luck with the job search. It sounds totally frustrating for something that, like you said, used to be so easy! I so agree with you about the whole online thing… I tell myself that I will only be online until a certain time, and then that deadline passes, so I give myself another one, etc. And like you, most of my time is not spent doing anything productive. I’ve terribly neglected my CT stuff only to end up chatting on hello or YM. Ugh. I’m working on changing, but it’s HARD. Hey.. congrats on being a Rockin’ Girl Blogger! Cool!

  2. GL on the job hunt!

  3. You’re so right about Carrie’s husband! LOL! And I’m loving Audrey’s photos! I didn’t have her blog in my reader! She’s awesome! Have always adored her scrapping! Good luck lookin’ for that part-time job. It just sucks that after tax season there isn’t some other dept. you can move right into!

  4. OH my goodness girlie, you are too sweet!!!! You just made my day!
    Happy job hunting! I’m scared to death to ever leave my job as I have a serious fear of job hunting! 🙂

  5. Good luck with the job hunt. I have to start looking for a job next month when the kids go back to school and this really makes me discouraged! lol

  6. Good luck on the job search-I HATE being told I’m overqualified-don’t they think we know that BUT still need a job!?!
    Thanks for the honest reflection on what we need to do to find more balance with our computer time-I needed to read that:-)
    Off to read the article although I’m sure it’ll send me into a deep depression for quite some time!

  7. Hey Martha,
    I started a part time job about a month ago.
    I found it here
    on my churches website. You do not have to be a member to look/apply etc for the jobs posted here. I found my job on a Tuesday, faxed my resume on Wednesday, interviewed & hired on Thursday, & started work the next
    Monday. I do quickbooks for 4 hours a day.

    Email me at the address above if you have any ?’s

    Love ya.

    BTW- how was your dd’s birthday?

  8. Oh THAT IS SO COOL!!!!! How jazzed am I to be a rocking girl blogger. You KNOW I’m going to put one of those thingies on my blog too!!!! I just got home from vacation, so I’ll be updating my blog soon. Trying to get pictures ready to upload. Thanks for the sweet words about my photography, and my bags I make. It means so much to me coming from one of the most talented chickies I know. Good luck on the job hunt. Quite frankly it totally sucks to have to job hunt!!! Keep us posted! Love ya, and THANKS!!!!

  9. Best of luck with the job search Martha. It seems employers either want school kids with 5 years experience or mature people with no experience. Go figure. I’m sure you’ll find something soon. Hope you’ll still have time to pop in and visit me now you’re cutting down your computer time. i look forward to your comments.

  10. hi sweety…It think it´s been ever longer since I´ve been here last…I should be ashamed..:-)sorry hun!! BUT, I´m back..have three really quiet weks and sure going to enjoy it before we hea to mallorca 🙂

    I hope you´ll find or maybe already have found a fun job…good luck with that! Designing sounds fun too, thought about it and you´re so right about those ladies not asking enough…but on the other hand..we need to buy it..LOL…so sssst…hihi 🙂

    And about spending too much time on here..I 2nd that, my sweety complaisn a lot these days 🙂 But that story is really really bad..I would never let that happen..poor kiddos!!

    Have a great day! Hugs!!

  11. You just made me aware of the fact that I am also often behind the computer at home. I do have a job, 4 days a week… so my kids get enough time to play at school, daycare and with their dad (who ignores the computer..). Still, I will be thinking of you and shut down my computer when I realize it’s too much!

    Good luck on your job hunt, I wish I could point you in the right direction but I am ‘too’ overseas…lol!

  12. I know just exactly how you felt Martha.. I spend too much time in front of the pc too.. 🙂
    Good luck on your job hunt!!

  13. Hey Martha,
    I hope all is well at your house!
    And you have found a job.
    Love ya

  14. Hey Martha…where’d you go?? I miss your blog posts!! Come back!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂

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